Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Hurricane Katrina: The Aftermath
From the Blogosphere:
A little help is needed at the Red Cross. Read one man's account of how he tried to volunteer but was caught in a morass of red tape and uncoordination. http://www.aarong.thinkcomputer.com/essays/index.html?id=6
But go and ahead and donate anyway. https://give.redcross.org/
Brendan Loy's blog. http://www.irishtrojan.com/
Craig's List: http://neworleans.craigslist.org/
New Orleans Times Picayune: http://www.nola.com/
Direct from New Orleans: http://neworleans.metblogs.com/
Many talented musicians over at CD Baby are donating their entire wholesale price to the Red Cross. Please buy their CDs here: http://cdbaby.com/group/redcross
Fashion commentating site Go Fug Yourself set aside its column on Friday to run the most comprehensive list of links to web sites, companies, and foundations that are collecting donations and helping with relief efforts. http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/go_fug_yourself/2005/09/a_momentary_fug.html
A little help is needed at the Red Cross. Read one man's account of how he tried to volunteer but was caught in a morass of red tape and uncoordination. http://www.aarong.thinkcomputer.com/essays/index.html?id=6
But go and ahead and donate anyway. https://give.redcross.org/
Brendan Loy's blog. http://www.irishtrojan.com/
Craig's List: http://neworleans.craigslist.org/
New Orleans Times Picayune: http://www.nola.com/
Direct from New Orleans: http://neworleans.metblogs.com/
Many talented musicians over at CD Baby are donating their entire wholesale price to the Red Cross. Please buy their CDs here: http://cdbaby.com/group/redcross
Fashion commentating site Go Fug Yourself set aside its column on Friday to run the most comprehensive list of links to web sites, companies, and foundations that are collecting donations and helping with relief efforts. http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/go_fug_yourself/2005/09/a_momentary_fug.html